Sunday, April 24, 2011

Let there be....SOUND

Finally no more silence! I went the secure way and soldered a SID-Socket to the board. It's tested with a SwinSid, I don't have 12V and don't want to fry neither a real SID nor my FPGA-Board. For better sound, the Audio-Out from the SwinSid is connected to a real C64 SID-Socket, because I don't have the right parts to remake this part of the C64 mainboard (which also needs 12V).

Looks..erm.. funny.. but works great! On top of the FPGA-Board you can see the SwinSid, which is connected directly to the I/O of the FPGA. On the left it's a small board which is 1:1 a remade of the C64-Hardware (CIA <-> IEC Bus). On the bottom, you see a SD2IEC (left) and the AD725-Board (right).

Another perspective.. the two yellow cables go from the SwinSid into the C64-Sid Socket (Audio Out and Ground). Works fine, as long nobody touches something...

And here's Oneder / Oxyron :)


  1. Hi Sabbi, great project, you think you can use the dev board, which is purchased on ebay at prices reasonable enough, or the final version will use a specific board?


  2. Hi marztm, if I ever manage to finish this, there will be a specific board - I think nobody wants to use this like I do (see the pictures), and there also need to be Joysticks, User Port, Cartridge Port...

  3. Thanks for the answer. Im wait for the happy end :)
